
主動隔振平臺STACIS Compact Quiet Island
主動隔振平臺STACIS Compact Quiet Island


Overview Similar to the standard STACIS Quiet Island, this Compact version provides excellent sub-Hertz active flo





Similar to the standard STACIS Quiet Island, this Compact version provides excellent sub-Hertz active floor vibration cancellation for large instruments that typically weigh over 1134 kg (2,500 lbs.).


主動隔振平臺STACIS Compact Quiet Island(圖1)


Whereas the standard Quiet Island requires a raised floor or pit with a depth of at least 380 mm (15 in.), Compact Quiet Island utilizes STACIS IIIc low-profile isolators and custom pocketed platforms to match raised floor heights as low as 200 mm (7.86 in.).


The images below illustrate the height comparison between the standard and Compact Quiet Island heights.


主動隔振平臺STACIS Compact Quiet Island(圖2)
主動隔振平臺STACIS Compact Quiet Island(圖3)


To Order

Because of the complexity, sensitivity, and value of the equipment installed on our Quiet Island? platforms, we do not maintain standard catalog numbers for ordering. We consider each installation to be a custom-engineered solution. The recommended procedure for ordering is as follows:


Tell us what equipment or instrument you want to isolate. Because of our installed base, it is likely that we have already engineered a platform design to the requirements of your application. In addition, we maintain close contact with stepper, aligner, SEM, and other tool manufacturers to keep current with size, shape, weight changes, and floor vibration specifications.

Provide us with floor vibration data or discuss with us how to arrange to have this data measured.

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